
The LFPD maintains an up-to-date database of all keys issued within the Library System.

Keys are issued to new employees or when work locations change.  When keys are issued, a printout of all keys currently issued to that employee is made for verification and signature.  Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the LFPD officer at that time.

Library security is dependent upon strict control of all keys to our facilities. Extreme care should be taken by each employee to keep track of their keys and return them upon termination or relocation within the system.

New Employees

The appropriate keys are issued to a new employee upon request from the department chair person. Key requests are made on a LFPD Grover ticket and should be requested prior to the date they are needed.


When an employee terminates their employment with the Library their keys must be returned directly to the LFPD, not given to their department head or another library employee. Upon termination, each employee is given an exit interview sign out sheet. LFPD can only sign off on this sheet when all of the employee’s keys have been returned. Employees transferring to different departments within the Library System, will return their keys and be issued the new departmental keys.

Temporary Use

If an employee needs a key on a temporary basis, a request should be made by the department chair person on a LFPD Grover ticket. The employee can then pick up the temporary key from the LFPD. When the temporary key is no longer needed, the employee should return the key directly to the LFPD as soon as possible.