Mail & PO Boxes

The LFPD provides a mail pick-up and delivery service (twice a day) in the George A. Smathers Library System. All out-going mail should be delivered to Room 134, Library West, properly addressed and packaged or be ready for pick-up at the scheduled delivery time for your facility. For mail within the libraries, use the current P.O. box numbers (listed below). The mail room manager will handle all postal charges and will prepare the parcel for shipment by UPS or USPS.

The list below will help you know when parcels need to be ready to get same day shipping from the Library. It also provides links to the major carriers for information on shipping limitations, costs and tracking.

CarrierPick Up Time
Libraries Mail Service9:30AM/3:00PM
US Postal Services10:00 AM
Campus Mail Service10:00 AM
UPSBeforeĀ 11:00 AM
FedExBefore 11:00 AM
FedEx Ground (formally RPS)Before 11:00 AM

If you have any questions about the library mail service, e-mail the mail room manager or call 273-2575.

NOTE: Please print the recipient’s full name and department address on all envelopes. Mail not fully addressed may have to be opened to see who the recipient is. For mail within the libraries, use the current P.O. box numbers.

PO Box Numbers

Library / DepartmentPOB
Academic and Scholarly Outreach117025
Access Support117025
Acquisitions & Licensing117007
Africana Collection117002
Architecture and Fine Arts117017
Cataloging & Metadata117004
Circulation Services117020
Digital Library Collection117003
Emerging Technologies117014
Government Documents117013
Fiscal Services117021
Health Science Center Library100206
Human Resources117024
Information Technology117006
Latin American Collection117009
Library West117022
Special Collections117005