The signage in the George A. Smathers Library System was developed by a professional architectural signage consultant and is consistent throughout the library system. Sign locations were predetermined by the consultant to provide the best way-finding routes for each facility and meet the local and ADA code requirements.
Any change to a library sign should only be done by the LFPD. Please do not allow any one to remove, relocate or change any library signage. If you have reason to change a library sign, please request the changes through the LFPD. Sign changes are submitted on the LFPD Work Request form.
Most of the library signage is modular, so that names and messages can be changed as events dictate. Name and message changes are done in-house. Please submit changes with the exact wording and spelling on a LFPD Work Request form.
Additional signs are also available through the LFPD. Requests for new signs will be reviewed by the LFPD and approved by the Library Director. New sign requests are submitted on the LFPD Work Request form.