University property valued at $5000 or more is known as “capital assets”. Other items valued at less than $5000.00 may be designated “attractive assets.” This property is audited once a year by University Property Services and the LFPD. Capital assets will have an orange University decal with a 12 digit number affixed to it. Attractive assets will have a similar decal, but it is white rather than orange.
Accountable property (excluding computer equipment) should not be moved or relocated unless the LFPD has been notified. Requests for moving accountable property are submitted on the LFPD work request form in Grover. Facilities will coordinate the moving of equipment and reassign the location of the property through the Library Property Officer.
Computer and telephone equipment can only be removed or relocated by the Library IT Department. Requests for removing or relocating computer equipment are initiated through the ticket system.
Obviously, over a period of time, most equipment becomes obsolete or unusable. When this occurs, the department head should notify LFPD to have the equipment removed from their department. The LFPD will then determine if the equipment should be repaired or removed from the library’s inventory.